Liquid fertilizers for garden, balcony and houseplants

Zielony Dom offers a wide range of liquid fertilizers for various types of plants. You can find fertilizer for orchids, azaleas, flowering plants, greens or herbs. We offer products for different seasons, enriching flora in spring, summer and even winter.

Liquid fertilizers? comprehensive support for your plants!

Our liquid fertilizers will provide plants with proper growth and eye-catching flowering. They provide necessary mineral nutrients that make plants more resistant to external factors, pathogens or pests. By using our products, you are guaranteed that your plants will grow beautiful and healthy, and their appearance will delight both household members and guests.

Black Universal Fertilizer

Molasses – based universal fertilizer for houseplants.


Black fertilizer for Orchids

Molasses-based fertilizer for orchids.


Liquid fertilizer for green plants

Mineral liquid fertilizer for green plants.


Liquid fertilizer for flowering plants

Mineral liquid fertilizer for ideal for flowering plants.


Natural fertilizer for orchids

Natural Guano liquid fertilizer formulated to suit all orchids.


GUANO natural fertilizer

Liquid fertilizer with original GUANO from South America.


Mineral liquid fertilizer for Orchids

Mineral liquid fertilizer for all orchids.
