Mycorrhiza is a beneficial relationship that forms between a type of fungi and the roots of plants. The word “mycorrhiza” comes from the Greek words “myco,” meaning fungus, and “rhiza,” meaning roots. In this relationship, the fungi live in and around the roots of the plant, forming a network of threads called hyphae. These hyphae can help the plant absorb nutrients and water from the soil, and can also protect the plant from certain diseases. In return, the plant provides the fungi with sugars that it produces through photosynthesis. This symbiotic relationship benefits both the plant and the fungi, allowing them to thrive in their environment.

Mycorrhiza occurs in more than 90% of known plant species, providing them with optimal conditions for growth and development.

What does mycorrhiza provide?

– Increases the absorptive surface area of the roots 1000 times
– Increased tolerance to stresses related to lack of water, temperature, improper soil pH
– Accelerates plant growth
– Protects against root diseases
– Improves the condition of plants

VAXI-ROOT mycorrhiza for heathers

Mycorrhizal mycelium for heathers (ericoid).


VAXI-ROOT mycorrhiza for coniferous and deciduous trees

Mycorrhizal mycelium for coniferous and deciduous plants.


VAXI-ROOT mycorrhiza for roses

Mycorrhizal mycelium for roses.


VAXI-ROOT universal mycorrhiza

Universal mycorrhizal inoculant for fruit, vegetables, flowers and shrubs.


Mycorrhiza VAXI-ROOT edible forest mushrooms

A collection of three types of edible mushrooms.


Substrate for orchids - mycorrhizal mycelium

Orchid substrate made with pine bark and mycorrhizal mycelium.


QuickStart fertilizer sticks

QuickStart fertilizer sticks for all potted and balcony plants.


Fertilizer sticks for tomatoes, peppers and cucumbers

Big fertilizer sticks for vegetables with mycorrhiza.
